Monday, August 20, 2007

Welcome, Devildogs!

Welcome to the 2007-2008 school year! This blog will be used by all students in Mrs. Stone's AP U.S. History class. We will discuss historical documents and other important information for class. Understanding historical documents is crucial to your success on the AP U.S. History exam.

Please register for an account (it's quick, easy, and free), and post a comment so I know who has done so. This first post will count as your first blog grade. Blog posts are always due at MIDNIGHT the day they are assigned.

Here's to a great year, and to 50 passing exam grades!!!

Due: MIDNIGHT, Tuesday, August 21


Laura said...


Unknown said...


joe said...

hey i couldent get mr. daco to get me a book til tomorrow morning but i did this homework

TheBishop said...


Faith said...

Hey this is Faith Tolley!

alice said...

hey mrs stone!!!

chels said...

hey mrs. stone!!!

Mackenzie Wilder said...

Hey Mrs. Stone, This is Mackenzie Wilder.I spent about 30 minutes trying to find a document to write about then Alice told me that there wasnt one. I am so Crazy! Congradulations !!!!

mark said...


CURLY said...

i hope this worked...and this is andrew owen

zack said...


najeebe said...

hey Mrs.Stone this is danielle

Beth said...

hey Mrs Stone, congrats on the babies!!!

Hannah R said...

Hey Mrs. Stone, this is Hannah Reed.
Good luck with Global tomorrow!

Daniel A. said...

This is Daniel Ashton, just in case my display name didn't give it away.

Lizz said...

Hey Mrs. Stone! This is Liz Stromberg. Congrats on the twins. :]

t-dawg said...

hiya there... tyler here just wanting to say hello and this homework is too crazy. It is so easy i feel like im not doin somethin right, but its whatever. Peace up, A-Town down mrs stone and everyone else out there readin this.

Harris Jones said...

hey... im so glad you are having twins!!! oh! and i bought a recorder today... just for the most important class!

jaredtwofour said...
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jaredtwofour said...

hi its me Jared.

JR said...

hey its jr.

donna lynn said...

hello mrs stone its donna lynn. i like this homework its easy exceot i cant type very good and if i do its slow. i couldnt think of any cool nicknames or all that jazz so this works but it will probably change sooner or later becuase i suck at remembering passwords

Ms. Batson said...

Rightio. This is Elizabeth Batson. Happy, Thomas?

taylor said...

hey mrs. stone! i cant believe i didnt have to sign up again...anyway im going to go read so i can get a smiley face on my reading quiz tomorrow =)

Godwin said...

hello mrs. stone...aren't you just so lucky you get to see me 1 more day of the week than everyone else?...and glazebrook too =)
and i'm very happy for you and ryan!!!

Vickytoria said...

Victoria says hi.

Vickytoria said...

ooo wait..i forgot to put my last name..

this would be victoria T.

blair said...

hey mrs.stone!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey you

Jenna Vee said...

Hey Mrs. Stone!!
This is Jenna, congragulations again... this thing is a little confusing at first but I'm adjusting, but it seems to be pretty cool. Anywho see you tomorrow!

Lewis said...

what it do this is andrew...ummmm i like this homework assignment but the reading isnt so hot...holla at this playa if you see him in the streets peace

Brian said...


Is That Me Thats So Fresh said...

Whaddup this is Warren

Jake said...


Clemsonguy55 said...

Hey Mrs. Stone. It's Michael Pratt.

Nick said...

Hey Mrs. Stone this is Nick Foister

Michael said...

white wow gigtftfui

Tina said...

Oops, never mind, I just figured out how this works. Though, honestly, that TINY GREEN BUTTON is very easy to overlook. So. Tina Bu was here.

frenchie said...

Hey Mrs. Stone, this is Sophie.

gbell said...

Hi Mrs. Stone this is greg.

jmoney said...

hey mrs.stone this is jackson i forgot my old stuff so i made up a email address and my name is what you called me a few times last year so i figured you'd like that.

jmoney said...

cool username warren

rachel lee said...

hey mrs. stone!!! its rachel lee! congradtulations on having twins!!!

**Amanda** said...

Hey this is Amanda D. from 7th period.

Alexa said...

hey mrs. stone!

the kayla nguyen laser show said...
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the kayla nguyen laser show said...


Anonymous said...

hello! it took me about 30 minutes to figure this out because Donna said i was doing the wrong thing but i sorta was but sorta wasn't but its all good now :D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Taylor Bowling said...

hey mrs. stone! sorry i missed class today! i had an early dismissal, but i'll be there tomorrow!

Emily said...

Hey, it's me.

JonMiller said...

little late im on tho lol